Colonial Genocides Project
Australian Aborigines |
"Van Diemen's Land Company -- Genocide," in Ian MacFarlane, Beyond Awakening. The Aboriginal Tribes of Northwest Tasmania: A History, Launceston, Riawunna, University of Tasmania, 2008, pp. 89-128.
"Massacre in the Black War in Tasmania, 1823-34:
A Case Study of the Meander River Region, June 1827,"
by Lyndall Ryan (Journal of Genocide Research, Dec. 2008)
James Boyce, Van Diemen's Land, Melbourne, Black Inc., 2008, esp. ch. 14, "Fighting the Aborigines,"
pp. 186-209, and Appendix, "Towards Genocide: Government Policy on the Aborigines, 1827-38," pp. 259-313.
Benjamin Madley, "From Terror to Genocide: Britain's Tasmanian Penal Colony and Australia's History Wars,"
Journal of British Studies, vol. 47 no. 1 (January 2008), pp. 77-106.
Multiple Killings of Aborigines in Tasmania, 1804-1835, by Lyndall Ryan (GSP Working Paper no. 35, 2007).
Massacre in Tasmania: How Can We Know?, by Lyndall Ryan (Australian and New Zealand Law History Association, 2007).
Lyndall Ryan, "Risdon Cove and the Massacre of 3 May 1804," Tasmanian Historical Studies, vol. 9 (2004): 107-123.
Lyndall Ryan, The Aboriginal Tasmanians (Sydney, Allen & Unwin, 1996)
Robert Manne, ed., Whitewash: On Keith Windschuttle's Fabrication of Aboriginal History (Melbourne, Black Inc, 2003).
Raymond Evans, A History of Queensland (Melbourne, Cambridge UP, 2007),
esp. pp. 52-56, 92-98, 135-38.
Raymond Evans, " 'Plenty Shoot 'Em': The Destruction of Aboriginal Societies along the Queensland Frontier," in
A. Dirk Moses, ed., Genocide and Settler Society (New York, Berghahn Books, 2004), pp. 150-73.
Alison Palmer, Colonial Genocide, Adelaide, Crawford, 2000.
Henry Reynolds, An Indelible Stain ? The Question of Genocide in Australia's History, Melbourne, Penguin, 2001.
"Australia's Aboriginal Genocide" by Ben Kiernan, Yale Journal of Human Rights,
vol. 1, no. 1, spring 2001, pp. 49-56.
"Cover-upand Denial of Genocide," by Ben Kiernan, Critical Asian Studies,
vol. 34, no. 2, June 2002, pp. 163-92.
Tony Barta, "Relations of Genocide: Land and Livesin the Colonization of Australia," in Genocide and the Modern Age: Etiology and Case Studies of Mass Death, Isidor Wallimann and Michael N. Dobkowski, eds., Westport,Conn., Greenwood Press, 1987, pp. 237-51.
Genocideand Settler Society: Frontier Violence and StolenIndigenous Children in Australian History,edited by A. Dirk Moses
"AnAntipodean Genocide ?" by A. Dirk Moses (J. ofGenocide Research, March 2000)
'Genocide'? Australian Aboriginal History in international perspective, edited by Ann Curthoys and John Docker, Volume 25 of Aboriginal History, 2001.
Texas California Papua, Indonesia East Timor
Comparative Colonial Genocides
Benjamin Madley, History Department, Yale University:
"Patterns of Frontier Genocide, 1803-1910: the Aboriginal Tasmanians, the Yuki of California, and the Herero of Namibia," Journal of Genocide Research 6:2 (June 2004), pp.167-192.
Ashley Riley Sousa, History Department, Yale University:
"'They will be hunted down like wild beasts and destroyed!': A Comparative Study of Genocide in California and Tasmania," Journal of Genocide Research 6:2 (June 2004), pp.193-209.
Genocide and Colonialism, Sydney University conference, 2003
German Southwest Africa |
Genocide does not lapse -- German MP
(Sept. 2006)
Benjamin Madley, "From Africa to Auschwitz" (European History Quarterly, 35:3 (2005), pp. 429-64)
Genocide and Literature: The Herero-/Nama-Uprising in German colonial literature, by Jörg Wassink, M.A. (2004)
Jürgen Zimmerer und Joachim Zeller (ed.)
Völkermord in Deutsch-Südwestafrika: Der Kolonialkrieg (1904-1908) in Namibia und seine Folgen (2nd edition, 2004)
Format: 16,5 x 23,5 cm; ISBN: 3-86153-303-0; Preis: EUR 22.90; Seiten: 280; Erschienen: 08.09.2003
2004 jährt sich zum hundertsten Mal der Kolonialkrieg, den das deutsche Kaiserreich gegen die Herero und Nama in Deutsch-Südwestafrika (heute Namibia) führte. Das militärische Vorgehen der deutschen Schutztruppe endete in einem Völkermord, der seine Fortsetzung in den landesweit eingerichteten Konzentrationslagern fand, in denen nahezu jeder zweite afrikanische Kriegsgefangene zu Tode kam. Die besiegten Afrikaner verloren nicht nur ihr Land und ihren Viehbesitz, sondern wurden fortan auch einem rigiden Kontrollsystem unterworfen. In dem vorliegenden Band werden Ursachen, Verlauf und Folgen dieses Kolonialkrieges beleuchtet. Dabei findet die historische Perspektive der Deutschen, wie der Afrikaner Berücksichtigung. Nicht zuletzt wird die Frage nach der Bedeutung des ersten von Deutschen verübten Völkermordes für die weitere Geschichte beider Länder aufgeworfen, eines Genozids, der für Namibia bis heute ein nationales Trauma darstellt.